You Camera? Be a lot cooler if you did…

Joshua Plagerman
2 min readJan 15, 2021

So what are all of these, to sum them up quickly when it comes to a camera, they make the image. The aperture is the opening of the camera that allows how much light goes into it. Aperture also effects the depth of field on how shallow or in detailed the background of an image is. A large aperture results in a large amount of both foreground and background blur and vice versa. Depth of field is the distance between the closest and farthest objects in a photo that appears acceptably sharp. Shutter speed is responsible for creating blur or sharply capturing a moving object in action. ISO is how dark or bright your photos are. The higher your ISO, the brighter you photo will become. Dynamic range is the measurement of the light intensities from the shadows to the highlights of an image.



Joshua Plagerman

Joshua is an amateur Photographer, with his main focus on Graphic Design and Music.